With the growing use of personal assistants such as Siri, Cortana, Alexa and Ok Google, voice search is most prevalent in the internet world. A recent research states that more than 50% of searches will be voice-based by 2020. The voice search provides direct results to customer queries by interacting with devices such as personal assistants, Smartphones, and home assistant devices.
The speech recognition technology in voice search accepts the voice command search queries, the search engines provide the direct answers based on the queries. The results are shown with the combination of technologies such as natural language processing, text to speech and pre-programmed voice search tools.
Today, almost 20% of searches are voice based in Google App and it will increase anytime sooner. To compete with the voice search, the content should be relevant, clear and cohesive. The Google home provides the result that suits the customer intent – by keeping the Google business page current and accurate, the business can reach positions in voice search. To reap the benefits of voice search, you need to make sure how the people are phrasing their queries to obtain the search results.
The voice search is different from text search; here are some of the ways to distinguish voice from text search:
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